You will be exposed to sacred Kabbalah teachings, discover your relationship with the Universe, and see the power of who you really are.
Experience the power held within the King's Chamber. Have an out-of this-world experience as you feel the energy each pyramid side holds and enjoy creating pyramids and feel the Pyramid Power!
Delight in a unique out-of-body experience through the alignment of Sacred Geometries. Be guided through the creation of an esoteric Sacred Geometry vehicle to transcend the body and then safely return.
Experience meeting Elementals, Angels, Archangels and many other Spiritual Beings as you travel to all 12 Earthly Dimensions. See your importance in the Universe, receiving a unique Gift of the Spirit from each Dimension. These Gifts are manifestation tools for your personal use.
Reprogram your past, empower your present. Many life challecnges that were once external became internalized, creating self-concepts that still influence daily choices. Write Yourself Right is a unique, creative process that allows for a gentle rewriting of your past, creating a new present.
Train in the Symbols and Traditions of the Usui Lineage. Be attuned to the Reiki symbols and their powers to bring in healing energies. Learn the commitment it takes to heal one's self as a Reiki I Practioner. Prepare yourself for the accountability to self and others to become a Reiki II Practitioner. Monthly practice sessions.
Build a sacred trust with the Masters and Teachers of the Akashic Records. Be able to consult them on Past Life and Present Life questions. Access an encyclopedia of unlimited information. You will have regular check-ins to support you on your journey.
After ninety days of consulting the Akashic Records on your own behalf, you may be trained to consult the Akashic Records on the behalf of others. There is a thirty-day trainng period following this class to ensure accuracy and to increase confidence. You will have regular check-ins to support you on your journey.