Receive accurate, detailed answers to your questions as particulars are recovered through veils of data - leveraging situations into solutions.
Be energetically scanned with layers of Light, Sound & Reiki Energies empowering your natural healing processes with vthe ibrational frequencies and details, turning discord into healing wellness.
Explore your Past Lives, examining the dynamics of who and what you have been and may have brought forward into this lifetime as part of your present journey.
Through a spiritual process, you will be released from emotional ties and cords, past and present, allowing you a fresh start to re-connect (or not) on your own terms.
This catalytic event activates your 12-Strand Etheric DNA Codons, creating within you a rejuvenation.
There is a release of subconscious patterns and Karmic blueprints. Your immune system is strengthened and there is an increase in mental capacity.
Reiki and Karuna Reiki symbols are incorporated into your healing session to bring down Sacred Energies and assist your body in a profound healing process.
2020 holds more surprises for us! Bring your questions and spend time in the Akashic Records - a field of energy that records every experience, thought, word and feeling generated by a soul. The Records hold the Collective Consciousness in Unconditional Love. The Akashic Records of the group gathered will be opened and individual questions will lead to independent and group awakenings. Garrett Wellness Center: COVID-19 precautions taken. Masks required.